Re: Problem with booting VSTa (No luck)

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Mon Aug 23 1993 - 08:21:04 PDT

>I tried all the above, but it didn't make a difference. The error stays
>the same.

Okay, here goes the down-n-dirty way to look around on VSTa.

Go to your boot/boot.lst file and comment out the lines for dos and init.
At the bottom, add a line:

Now go over to bin/testsh and edit the makefile. Add -DSTAND, remove the
.o's, and rebuild. Go back to boot/ and run the "go" bat file. You should
now be sitting in a standalone shell. Send us mail when you have this much
working, and I'll walk you through the next phase.

Received on Mon Aug 23 08:25:03 1993

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