No luck booting

From: Marc Papen (CIP 90) <>
Date: Thu Aug 26 1993 - 08:20:44 PDT

> Now go over to bin/testsh and edit the makefile. Add -DSTAND, remove the
> .o's, and rebuild. Go back to boot/ and run the "go" bat file. You should
> now be sitting in a standalone shell. Send us mail when you have this much
> working, and I'll walk you through the next phase.
I can't get the above to work. I had to edit the makefile in bin/testsh
because it wouldn't run when linking with crt0.o. I replaced it with crt0srv.o.
Now all went well, but after the message
 Launching at ...
it just did nothing at all.

I will be getting a new disk in a couple of days and am trying to get a
terminal. Maybe I can get more info about what is goimg wromg then.

Thanks for your help


Marc Papen
Henkestr. 41
91054 Erlangen
Received on Thu Aug 26 08:25:49 1993

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