Re: MADO questions

From: Gavin Nicol <>
Date: Tue Apr 11 1995 - 17:21:09 PDT

>Does it intend to provide device independent drawing primitives?
Yes. One reason for the seperation between MADO and bitblt is to
allow that (ie. draw to a printer driver/postscript generator which
looks just the same).

>I assume the Window Mangement is going to take a more NeWS-like approach
>than the standard X approach of "a WM is a client". (i.e. this would
>be good IMHO) Is this true? Or is the "manager layer" which provides
>dummy /dev/bitblit's for processes and rewrites messages to /dev/bitblit
>going to talk to some external window manager?

MADO will primary be a multiplexer, but I have plans to also include a
certain amount of built-in functionality (menus, labels etc), and to
support downloadable code. Given that Java looks so neat, I guess that
might be where it will go.

All dependent on time of course....
Received on Tue Apr 11 16:32:56 1995

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