Re: vme bus, 68040.......

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Sun Jan 15 1995 - 10:01:16 PST

[Kethi-Reddy Vanier <> writes:]

> I am wondering if vsta is ported to 68040/68030. We have nine
>68040/vme bus borards. They are sitting there and getting dusty. I am
>wondering if I can connect them in a loosely coupled manner, and run
>vsta on all nine of them. Hopefully it will be configured in such a
>manner, the end user will see it as a one machine.

Yes, a port to the 68030 Amiga is running pretty well, at last report from
Hawaii ( The port was done with an older rev of VSTa,
and he's been planning on doing a merge/update soon.

Note that the '040 does not support two-level PTE format, only three. There
will be incremental work to support the '040, I expect.

Clustering is currently not done. We believe that we are putting the right
tools in place, but... "In theory there's no difference between theory and
practice, but in practice, there is". :-)

                                        Andy Valencia
Received on Sun Jan 15 09:27:18 1995

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