vme bus, 68040.......

From: Kethi-Reddy Vanier <vanier_at_nospam.org>
Date: Sat Jan 14 1995 - 07:44:48 PST

        I am wondering if vsta is ported to 68040/68030. We have nine
68040/vme bus borards. They are sitting there and getting dusty. I am
wondering if I can connect them in a loosely coupled manner, and run
vsta on all nine of them. Hopefully it will be configured in such a
manner, the end user will see it as a one machine.

        Any help or guidance is appriciated.

Thank to all in advance.

Vanier, Kethireddy email: vanier@aurora.carleton.ca
BEng, Computer Systems. (4th year)
Received on Sat Jan 14 07:24:17 1995

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