Re: vme bus, 68040.......

From: Kethi-Reddy Vanier <>
Date: Mon Jan 16 1995 - 10:16:45 PST

On Sun, 15 Jan 1995, Andrew Valencia wrote:

> [Kethi-Reddy Vanier <> writes:]
> > I am wondering if vsta is ported to 68040/68030. We have nine
> >68040/vme bus borards. They are sitting there and getting dusty. I am

> Yes, a port to the 68030 Amiga is running pretty well, at last report from
> Hawaii ( The port was done with an older rev of VSTa,
> and he's been planning on doing a merge/update soon.

        Where is the VSTA for 68030 is located. i.e ftp sites.

Thanks to all
Received on Mon Jan 16 09:55:33 1995

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