VSTa won't boot past the 'Launch at 0x1020' line

From: <gary_shea_at_nospam.org>
Date: Mon Sep 26 1994 - 09:16:00 PDT

Finally got tired of just reading the code and decided to try and
boot the beast! Having some problems, though. I get (roughly):

Launch at 0x1020

the disk whirs a bit.... then nothing. Have to press the reset button
to restart.

I seem to remember seeing this before on the list, the fix being to
remove all drivers from the config files. I renamed my config files,
and it still won't boot. I'm using the vsta_bin binaries...

Hardly needed to touch the boot.lst (?) file, except for the disk params.
Tried all three disk-config styles, and they all seem to work, i.e.,
the disk goes crazy while loading the boot image and drivers (I think!),
the light goes out for a sec, then it does a bit more accessing.... then

I'm using a 33MHz 386SX board with genuine MS-DOS, a vanilla
monochrome monitor (i.e., no graphics), 4 Meg of memory all of which
tests out ok, and a 60 Meg IDE drive on a separate conroller card
(I don't think there are controllers on this mini-386 motherboard).

Any suggestions?

Received on Mon Sep 26 08:07:12 1994

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