Re: VSTa won't boot past the 'Launch at 0x1020' line

From: <>
Date: Mon Sep 26 1994 - 10:35:00 PDT

> From: Andrew Valencia <>
> Status: R
> [ writes:]
> >65504+36864+4224
> >Launch at 0x1020
> >the disk whirs a bit.... then nothing. Have to press the reset button
> >to restart.
> Can you verify whether your display puts text at the CGA or MGA locations?
> If you're seeing nothing, but disk accesses are happening, this usually
> means that your display is set for MGA, whereas VSTa uses the CGA locations
> by default.

I believe that my video card is as dumb as one can be -- too dumb to run
Windows, for instance. I don't think it's Hercules. I didn't try using the CGA or
MGA settings. Ahhhhh.... VSTa assumes I have a slightly smarter display, eh?
Well, I can either buy a new card or try to write a server that works with dodo-mono.
I wouldn't mind the latter as a learning experience... would anyone care to comment
on whether it's worth doing?

Is there a freely available tool I can use to check memory on
the DOS beast to see where it's putting the screen stuff? Also, can
anyone suggest a book for finding out where DOS keeps such goodies
as the screen map (assuming it's mapped, that is!).

I don't currently have any kind of compiler or assembler that will run on DOS, although
I wouldn't mind getting Borland or something...

Received on Mon Sep 26 10:47:43 1994

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