Re: VSTa won't boot past the 'Launch at 0x1020' line

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Mon Sep 26 1994 - 09:23:15 PDT

[ writes:]

>Launch at 0x1020
>the disk whirs a bit.... then nothing. Have to press the reset button
>to restart.

Can you verify whether your display puts text at the CGA or MGA locations?
If you're seeing nothing, but disk accesses are happening, this usually
means that your display is set for MGA, whereas VSTa uses the CGA locations
by default.

>I'm using a 33MHz 386SX board with genuine MS-DOS, a vanilla
>monochrome monitor (i.e., no graphics), 4 Meg of memory all of which
>tests out ok, and a 60 Meg IDE drive on a separate conroller card
>(I don't think there are controllers on this mini-386 motherboard).

Mono monitor, but what kind of display card? A Hercules-style would indeed
use MGA locations, which means you have to tell the console server about it.

Received on Mon Sep 26 08:11:57 1994

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