Looking for a project...

From: Edward Mccreary <edm_at_nospam.org>
Date: Wed Sep 21 1994 - 20:48:31 PDT

Hi guys,

I've been trying to think of project to work on and wanted to get
a little feedback from people on the list. What I'd like to do
is write a filesystem server for either Linux or one of the BSD's.

My two questions are...

1) Is anybody already working on a Linux or BSD server? If so,
I won't bother.

2) What's the preference? My first inclination is towards BSD since
that's what I'm more familiar with. But, it seems that more people
on the list are using Linux so it may be more helpful to write one for

(Of course, another factor is which is easier to setup dual-boot
with dos. :)

thanks for any feedback,

Eddie McCreary                                       edm@twisto.compaq.com
Graphics Development                    "Do or do not, there is no 'try'."
  In the event of my capture, Compaq will disavow any and all knowledge 
          of my operations.  Of course I don't speak for them.
Received on Wed Sep 21 19:46:02 1994

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