Re: VSTa installation failure

From: <>
Date: Wed Sep 21 1994 - 11:05:37 PDT

Verily did Andrew Valencia say on September 21, 1994:

>>this is a ZEOS PANTERA PENTIUM 90. i have a single western digital
>>IDE drive for dos (and several large scsi drives with a ncr 53c810
>>controller-- currently for NeXTstep/Linux use).
>Well, I've never had my hands on a Pentium before, so that jumps out
>as a possible culprit. On the other hand, I had heard they were
>pretty compatible. You might try unloading all extra DOS drivers to
>see if there's a memory conflict before VSTa is even done loading.
>You might also disable any extra caches, turbo modes, and so forth.

On my machine if I've got any device drivers loaded or TSR there is
almost 0 chance that vsta will start. I've created a DOS startup menu
that has a VSTA selection on it which skips everything in the
config.sys file and does a 'cd vsta_boot_dir; go.bat' in the
autoexec.bat. The other thing to try, if you are running DOS 6 or
later, is to hit F5 when you see the Starting MS-DOS... message. That
will cause it to skip the config.sys and autoexec.bat files completely,
then you can cd to the boot directory and do a 'go.bat'.

Then again, none of this may have any effect for anyone else.

Brett McCoy, UNIX Systems Administrator
Computing and Network Services
Kansas State University, Manhattan KS 66506
vox: (913) 532-4908 / fax: (913) 532-5914 / e-mail:
Received on Wed Sep 21 09:54:54 1994

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