Re: Looking for a project...

From: Tommy Thorn <>
Date: Thu Sep 22 1994 - 01:31:37 PDT

> > 2) What's the preference? My first inclination is towards BSD since
> > that's what I'm more familiar with. But, it seems that more people
> > on the list are using Linux so it may be more helpful to write one for
> > it.

If this is going to be a vote-thing, my vote is for Linux, but what
exactly do you mean by a Linux server? A filesystem server? Which?
Linux currently support Minix+ext, ext, xia, ext2, sysv, proc, .. etc.
There is _no_ native Linux fs, though nearly everybody uses ext2.
> My vote is for BSD. I already have several BSD partitions on
> my machine so the reason is obvious :). I also heard some rumours
> about linux's ext. fs not being so great.

While this is very true, who cares? Everybody uses ext2 which is one
of the best filesystem implementation I know. Easily outperforms BSD's
Fast Filesystem. Ext2 is _very_ different from ext, but both are really
bad names. (ext2 is also known by e2fs).

The real reason you might prefer ext2 to any other is the fact that
all the filesystem code has been carefully isolated an put in a library.
So far there exist an ext2 server for hurd.

If anybody should be interested in more, I've the source and some slides

Now, back to VSTa issues.
/Tommy Thorn
Received on Thu Sep 22 00:20:43 1994

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