Re: VSTa installation failure

From: Gavin Nicol <>
Date: Tue Sep 20 1994 - 23:50:45 PDT

No problems with Pentiums. My Gateway P5-66 flies with VSTa on it.
I had similar problems, though my machine just died. My problem was due to
the flaky video card in my machine. Despite displaying graphics in
color it thought it was in monochrome mode, and cons killed the

Yours sounds like it occurs just at the jump to kernel space, so
my guess is cache, or DOS; same as Andy.

Last time I ran VSTa it was on a 386SX 16mhz machine with 3MB of
main memory. I almost dies at the difference between that and
a 16MB Pentium 66...

The 386 wasn't even IBM compatible...
Received on Wed Sep 21 07:39:07 1994

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