Re: VSTa installation failure

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Wed Sep 21 1994 - 08:16:19 PDT

[Cotton Seed <> writes:]

>a list of the drivers started,
>and `Launch at 0x1020'
>then my machine promptly rebooted.


>this is a ZEOS PANTERA PENTIUM 90. i have a single western digital
>IDE drive for dos (and several large scsi drives with a ncr 53c810
>controller-- currently for NeXTstep/Linux use).

Well, I've never had my hands on a Pentium before, so that jumps out as a
possible culprit. On the other hand, I had heard they were pretty
compatible. You might try unloading all extra DOS drivers to see if there's
a memory conflict before VSTa is even done loading. You might also disable
any extra caches, turbo modes, and so forth.

Otherwise, you have to debug VSTa startup to see where we're dying. If
you're up for it, send me E-mail directly and we can walk through it.

Received on Wed Sep 21 07:04:49 1994

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