VSTa installation failure

From: Cotton Seed <cottons_at_nospam.org>
Date: Wed Sep 21 1994 - 03:22:03 PDT

i installed VSTa as per the instructions in `doc/roadmap.txt'. i left
`boot.lst' as unchanged, the default values seemed reasonably sane.

when i typed `go' at the dos prompt in `C:\VSTA\BOOT' i got
a vsta banner,
a list of the drivers started,
and `Launch at 0x1020'

then my machine promptly rebooted.

this is a ZEOS PANTERA PENTIUM 90. i have a single western digital
IDE drive for dos (and several large scsi drives with a ncr 53c810
controller-- currently for NeXTstep/Linux use).

i have been meaning to try out VSTa for some time, it is disappointing
that it failed outright. any ideas about how to get VSTa running?

        - Cotton

Cotton Seed (cottons@mit.edu)
Received on Wed Sep 21 02:10:35 1994

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