Re: Time Function

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Tue Jun 07 1994 - 08:15:10 PDT

[Tan Pong Heng <> writes:]

>... So my question is: does any body know what is the magic value of
>the no of sec from 1970 to 1990?

Dave Hudson added this to <time.h> for the next release:

 * The difference between VSTa time and UNIX time is 20 years. VSTa starts
 * ticking from 1990 not 1970. This constant handles the conversion. Note
 * that as well as 5 leap years there were 15 leap seconds as well :-) If
 * you're interested in the leap seconds, RFC1305 (NTP) provides more detail
#define VSTA_UNIX_TDIFF (((20*365)+5)*24*60*60)+15)

I have RCS mostly working now. It has all sorts of porting knobs and
buttons to push, though, and I'm still cleaning up the edge cases.

Received on Tue Jun 7 07:22:16 1994

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