Port of GNU make 3.71

From: Dave Hudson <dave_at_nospam.org>
Date: Tue Jun 07 1994 - 02:50:25 PDT

Hi All,

Just another note to say that I've now got GNU make 3.71 ported to VSTa.
Again, there are a few new functions and a bug fix, but if anyone would like
the binary please let me know.

I've hit a few problems building under VSTa (as opposed to Linux) with the
original VSTa make utility as it doesn't seem to get bison handling quite
right and it doesn't seem to handle doing say:

        make MDEFINES

when making subdirectories.

FWIW, make has proved more difficult than the other ports as it doesn't have
a DOS port included (this has simplified the others). It also needed some
changes to use execv() instead of execve() as VSTa uses the external ENV
server instead of having an environment string.

Received on Tue Jun 7 02:16:50 1994

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