Time Function

From: Tan Pong Heng <tponghen_at_nospam.org>
Date: Mon Jun 06 1994 - 19:43:18 PDT

Hi, I have question about the time() function in the C library of VSTa.
I noticed that it return time in sec since 1990 instead of the standard
1970. So my question is: does any body know what is the magic value of
the no of sec from 1970 to 1990? I need this so that it will be consistance
with values return by Linux. This is necessary because I am working on
a EXT2FS server now. I have manage to re-used most of the codes from
Linux, so writting a server is not too hard. Since the EXT2FS has a lot
of time-stamp in it (both the supper block and the usual files), and I
don't want to mess up these value when I access the FS from VSTa, I need
to get the time value relative to 1970 instead of 1990. When I complete
this server, we can share the fs between VSTa and Linux. I will than
work on the LILO boot of VSTa - this would enable us to do some works on
Linux and boot into VSTa for testing.

Tan Pong Heng					Defence Science Organization
Project Leader					20 Science Park Drive, S(0511)
Received on Mon Jun 6 19:43:18 1994

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