Port of GNU textutils 1.9

From: Dave Hudson <dave_at_nospam.org>
Date: Thu Jun 09 1994 - 00:55:29 PDT

Hi All,

I think this is the last one for a while (I've got some more code to get
written now). I've just completed a port of GNU textutils version 1.9.
(If you don't know this one, it has all of the little things like cut, head,
tail, wc, etc that make shell scripting easier and will hopefully get us
nearer to running the GNU autoconfig scripts).

The only minor problem is with od as we don't support floating point yet.
This one (as with find) requires GNU make to build.

Again, binaries (and at a push sources) are available if anyone wants them.

Received on Thu Jun 9 00:21:38 1994

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