about VSTa - installing without Dos??

From: Basile STARYNKEVITCH <basile%soleil_at_nospam.org>
Date: Wed Apr 13 1994 - 03:28:20 PDT

Hello all,

I'm becoming really interested by VSTA now (i'm on the mailing list
since a few months).

However, i do have a problem: I don't have (and don't want to steal or
buy) Messy Loss (ie MS-DOS). My home PC (a 486DX/66 with 16Mb RAM,
ET4000 Vlb graphic card, 240IDE disk, adaptec1522 compatible clone
controller with a 240Mb scsi disk -i'lll soon buy a 1Gb disk- and a
Qic-150 archive viper tape streamer) does not have Messy Loss.
I'm an enthousiastic Linux user.

I would like to install and play with VSTa (and perhaps even hack it,
eg add a Linux Ext2fs filesystem server into it... but i don't promise
anything yet), but i don't have and do not wish to have Dos -even just
for VSTa installation. (Messy Loss is a virus I don't want to install
on my PC).

Is it possible to install VSTa on a PC without Dos? Ideally i would
like to install it from bootable floppies on an IDE (or Scsi) disk
partition. I could hack and use Linux utilities to install it, but i
don't want to need DOS!

Any ideas, explanations, suggestions, remarks, etc... (feel free to
reply to the VSTa mailing list)?

Basile STARYNKEVITCH ---- Commissariat a l Energie Atomique
DRN/DMT/SERMA * C.E. Saclay bat.470 * 91191 GIF/YVETTE CEDEX * France
fax: (33) 1-; phone: (33) 1-
email: basile@soleil.serma.cea.fr; homephone: (33) 1-

Linuxing (and perhaps soon VSTaling) at home only.

N.B. Any opinions expressed here are solely mine, and not of my organization.
N.B. Les opinions exprimees ici me sont personnelles et n engagent pas le CEA.
Received on Wed Apr 13 00:46:55 1994

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