Re: about VSTa - installing without Dos??

From: Dave Hudson <>
Date: Fri Apr 15 1994 - 05:33:47 PDT

Hi all,

I just tried mailing this direct but forgot to cc the list - anyway the
return address bounced so here's my somewhat belated reply :-(

> Basile STARYNKEVITCH wrote:
> >
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I'm becoming really interested by VSTA now (i'm on the mailing list
> > since a few months).
> >
> > Any ideas, explanations, suggestions, remarks, etc... (feel free to
> > reply to the VSTa mailing list)?
> I have some boot code that will allow you to generate a boot floppy under
> Linux - basically it builds an image file from the servers listed in a
> "boot.lst" file and then dumps the whole lot out to the floppy. It's not a
> particularly elegant way of handling things, but it works :-) The biggest
> downside is that you can't just edit boot.lst to change the way things load.
> As soon as I can complete a port of dd I'll be able to build boot floppies
> under VSTa as well as Linux.
> I'm working on a new loader (something like LILO) that will hopefully boot
> VSTa, DOS, OS/2 and Linux, but that's probably a few months off (I've got
> too many more important bits of code to do yet). The VSTa load will use the
> version of bfs I rewrote for 1.3 (plus a few as yet unfinished additions),
> as it's simple enough to allow me to write some real mode assembler code to
> read the fs and build the boot images. This is easy on a raw bfs partition,
> but I need to do some code that will identify all of the sectors in a file
> for say a dos partition so that the boot loader will know where to find the
> sectors of a bfs if it actually resides on another fs instead of a raw
> partition.
> Let me know if you want the code as it stands so far :-)
> Regards,
> Dave
Received on Fri Apr 15 06:14:07 1994

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