3.5" 1.44 MByte FDD support

From: Gavin Thomas Nicol <nick_at_nospam.org>
Date: Mon Apr 11 1994 - 17:26:40 PDT

>BTW, has anyone considered if there'll be a way of redirecting the kernel
>debugger output to a windowed screen when MADO's running. A similar but
>simpler problem I hit last night was that I had a kernel debugger compiled
>for a colour vid which didn't display anything on my mono screen (cons -mono
>worked for everything else.

I've been away for a few weeks, and I'm just now catching up on my
email. Apologies for the late response.

This could be hard, because if we are in the kernel debugger,
then something bad has happened, and messages are probably not
being sent. No messages, no redirection. However, I have some plans to
map kernel/server messages to a window.

I've got a nice new Pentium PCI/66 coming soon, so I hope to be able to
work on VSTa in the same environment as everyone else (no need to
port/write driver for the NEC).

I'll be changing jobs at the end of this week, and I'll be in the US
for a month from the 20th (Rhode Island), so I may or may not get much
done. Once I return, things will progress nicely I hope.

BTW. Dave, have you done much with the VGA/SVGA version of bitblt? It
looks like you been busy doing other stuff. If anyone has some
pointers to programming the various VGA/SVGA boards, I'd appreciate

I got back from the US yesterday, and am still suffering jet lag....
so don't expect too much intelligence today :-)

Received on Mon Apr 11 17:46:46 1994

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