Re: 3.5" 1.44 MByte FDD support

From: Dave Hudson <>
Date: Thu Apr 07 1994 - 01:44:36 PDT

Andrew Valencia wrote:
> For adoptive debugging, yes, you either have to remember the PID if you
> launch it from a shell, or ^Z to the kernel debugger, "pr" to get a proc
> list, and find the PID that way. "q" from the kernel debugger to let the
> system continue. Then "adb <program> <pid>" to attach to the process.
> You'll be blocked until the process runs, at which time it'll see the
> debugging master and will stop. $c it, then :c to let it continue running
> under your debugger.

Ah, it was this that I was concerned about losing (^Z followed by pr that
is) :-) I agree that adb is much more user friendly for debugging with -
that's what allowed me to track down my "type=c" problem in the joystick

BTW, has anyone considered if there'll be a way of redirecting the kernel
debugger output to a windowed screen when MADO's running. A similar but
simpler problem I hit last night was that I had a kernel debugger compiled
for a colour vid which didn't display anything on my mono screen (cons -mono
worked for everything else.


Received on Thu Apr 7 03:59:55 1994

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