Re: Boot probs...

From: Andy Valencia <>
Date: Fri Sep 18 1998 - 12:13:27 PDT

["Michael Henry" <> writes:]

>I was unable to boot, and was getting messages about "boot process 7"
> module=/vsta/boot/dos -d disk/wd0_dos0 -n fs/root
>instead of:
> module=/vsta/boot/dos -p disk/wd0_dos0 fs/root
>I did this and now I'm getting:

Ok, good. So now your disk server may be starting. Are you sure you said
"disk/wd_dos0"? Your error message below looks like you configured
disk/wd:wd0_dos0, which would be right for the first DOS partition on the
first IDE disk.

> init: can't find root, sleeping
>(This happens about three times)
> syslog: dos (pid 7) error: unable to open 'disk/wd:wd0_dos0'

Do ^Z to enter the kernel debugger, and "pr" to see the proceses. Is there
still a "wd" process? Do "pr <pid>" on it, and then do "bt <tid>" on the
thread within it. Let me know what the backtrace looks like (just routine
names will be fine) and we can see where Mr. Disk has gone.

Received on Fri Sep 18 08:12:40 1998

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