Re: Boot probs...

From: Michael Henry <>
Date: Sun Sep 20 1998 - 00:08:03 PDT

> Ok, good. So now your disk server may be starting. Are you sure you said
> "disk/wd_dos0"?

No, I said "disk/wd:wd0_dos0"

> Your error message below looks like you configured
> disk/wd:wd0_dos0, which would be right for the first DOS partition on the
> first IDE disk.

That's the one.

> Do ^Z to enter the kernel debugger, and "pr" to see the proceses. Is there
> still a "wd" process?


> Do "pr <pid>" on it, and then do "bt <tid>" on the
> thread within it.

The output of "pr 5" looks like:

        5 wd
         vas 181ea10 threads 181fa00 runq 181dda0 sys/usr 0/0
         6 SLEEP kstack c0b000 uregs cobfc0 wchan 1819950 <none>/<none>

I assume the "6 SLEEP" entry is the thread". (?)

> Let me know what the backtrace looks like (just routine
> names will be fine) and we can see where Mr. Disk has gone.

"bt 6" produces:

        _switch() called from _p_sema_v_lock + 18a
        _p_sema_v_lock() called from _msg_receive + 44
        _msg_receive() called from _syscall +dl
        _syscall() called from _Tsyscall + 17

Does this give you any clues?
Received on Sat Sep 19 20:06:52 1998

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