Boot probs...

From: Michael Henry <>
Date: Fri Sep 18 1998 - 06:56:18 PDT

I am finally able to start my experimenting with VSTa again!
(The last couple of weeks have been busy)

The story so far...

I was unable to boot, and was getting messages about "boot process 7"

Vandys' suggestion was to use:

        module=/vsta/boot/dos -d disk/wd0_dos0 -n fs/root

instead of:

        module=/vsta/boot/dos -p disk/wd0_dos0 fs/root

I did this and now I'm getting:

        init: can't find root, sleeping

(This happens about three times)

        syslog: dos (pid 7) error: unable to open 'disk/wd:wd0_dos0'

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Received on Fri Sep 18 02:55:15 1998

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