boot process 7 dying, I have no solution

From: <>
Date: Fri Sep 18 1998 - 11:42:04 PDT

The only thing I'd like to add is that I have blocked on this too, about two
months ago whan I wanted to try a small OS on my new 486DX33 motherboard with 8Mb ram.
I was not feeling like posting here, so I did move to an other OS (FreeBSD, than later
to Oberon when I saw that FreeBSD was taking all my boths drives 85Mb+43Mb). Now I
still have plenty of room because Oberon so small even with graphics and PPP.

Now I still like to install VSTA on a free 40Mb partition I have, that is, if a
solution to the Boot process 7 dying problem get resolved.

---Paul Dufresne
Received on Fri Sep 18 07:41:32 1998

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