From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Wed Nov 05 1997 - 09:31:42 PST

[Basile STARYNKEVITCH <> writes:]

>I would like to boot GRUB from LILO (and then boot VSTa). However, I
>failed to install grub sucessfully on the harddisk (actually, I'm not
>sure i fully understood all of GRUB features; I tried several GRUB
>install= commands without success)

I thought GRUB could boot Linux in *place* of LILO. I don't recollect any
instructions on how to use LILO to load GRUB. But, then, my other primary
OS is FreeBSD, so I'm not very LILO literate.

>I added a other=/dos/vsta/grub/stage1 entry into /etc/lilo.conf. Since
>I'm using the debug version of GRUB, I did found that GRUB stage1 run
>ok and stage2 is loaded.

So LILO knew how to bring in the primary stage1 loader, and it successfully
pulled in stage2? Then you have the menu prompt, and could now enter root=
command and so forth? It seems if so, all that's left is to get it to honor
a menu file, yes?

Received on Wed Nov 5 07:31:52 1997

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