From: Pavel Machek <>
Date: Thu Nov 06 1997 - 02:24:24 PST


> >I would like to boot GRUB from LILO (and then boot VSTa). However, I
> >failed to install grub sucessfully on the harddisk (actually, I'm not
> >sure i fully understood all of GRUB features; I tried several GRUB
> >install= commands without success)
> I thought GRUB could boot Linux in *place* of LILO. I don't
> recollect any

Yes, you could. But, GRUB has HORRIBLE user interface. Lilo is much
better in this: It automagically boots last system you booted (unless
you hold shift when booting, in such case command line appears), its
interface is single line - so it will not wipe BIOS's messages.

I see that GRUB is more generic, and probably better than lilo, but
lilo's user interface suits much more to me. (No menus, just command
line, it does not appear unless I want it to, ...). I patched grub a
bit (to make it look better), but much more should be done. I would
need things like safing last booted system, macros for command line

Also, MultiBOOT protocol should be redone a bit ;-).

... and maybe creating completely new MultiBOOT compliant loader
would be less work ...


I'm really 	   Pavel
Look at ;-).
Received on Thu Nov 6 10:48:39 1997

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