Re: GCC locks up on my 386.

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Wed Nov 05 1997 - 17:33:11 PST

[ writes:]

>I am using VSTa 1.5.2 on my 386sx/16 with 2mb of RAM, and GCC locks up as
>soon as I press enter to run it! And when I start MGR, I get about two
>frames of the animation, then it just sits there and responds to nothing.
> Any ideas?

Do ^Z (control-Z) to get the kernel debugger. Do "dv freemem", which "dump
virtual address" of the "freemem" variable. If it displays 0, you've run
out of memory. That'd be my first guess, due to your configuration. 4 megs
was the baseline for pre-1.6, and with gcc 2.x in 1.6, I think 8 may have to
be the baseline.

Beware that in 1.6, you need an FPU to use GCC due to some lame techniques
used in code generation.

Received on Wed Nov 5 15:33:01 1997

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