Re: No luck booting

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Thu Aug 26 1993 - 08:35:02 PDT

>I can't get the above to work. I had to edit the makefile in bin/testsh
>because it wouldn't run when linking with crt0.o. I replaced it with crt0srv.o.
>Now all went well, but after the message
> Launching at ...
>it just did nothing at all.

Ah, right. Boot programs need the crt0srv version of crt0.o. Sorry;
boot arguments are relatively new and I did most of my own standalone
hackery before they existed. I'm glad you fixed this and went on.

Starting with my standard boot.lst, you commented out just the dos and
init boot programs, and added ../bin/testsh/testsh? And you don't see
*anything*? I'm surprised; the wd server should have printed out the
name and size of each disk it found. You should also get the "% "
prompt from testsh. Do you have a terminal hooked to COM1? You might
have dropped into the kernel debugger.

You might try commenting out the wd server from boot.lst, and come up with
no disk storage at all. I want to see you with the standalone testsh
on your screen before we continue on in search of your ailing disk.

After you added -DSTAND to your testsh's makefile, you *did* remove all
your .o's and recompile, didn't you?

Note to all: I have pulled in Nick's (Gavin Nicol, but he says "Nick" works
for him... :->) kdb-on-the-screen stuff. It's not available as a patch
because it involves moving files and such, but the next source drop will
include it. I'd like to hold off on this until I can offer the Alpha
version of my new filesystem, but we'll see how that goes.

Received on Thu Aug 26 08:40:18 1993

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