A list of questions.

From: Datrix Solutions <datrix_at_nospam.org>
Date: Mon Jul 03 1995 - 13:07:39 PDT


I have recently joined the VSTa mailing list. I am a newcomer to the field
of operating system level code, and as such, have some questions
(rudimentary I assume) about the use of the system.

Maybe others have exerienced the same problems - so this can provide
some material for the blossoming FAQ
(http://www.cen.uiuc.edu/~jeske/VSTa/) :

Q Sometimes one is not able to compile your own files and "perm" is
A This is, according to Andy, a bug (maybe with srv/tmpfc/open.c), the
  workaround is to "umount /tmp".

Q How do I generate floating point code? At the moment printf("%f",fl)
  produces "f" instead of e.g. 1.322123.
A The kernel supports fp, but the libs don't yet. Almost there...

Q How can I kill a process running in the forground (CTRL-C type metaphor)?

Q How are the differences between the nl/cr and nl files handled? When
  I use vi, I get a lot of ^M's. Must I dtou all the files, or is there
  some way to make vi handle these files?

Q What is the progress with the Boot disk?

Q The graphics and windowing system?

Q When is the next release planed?

Q How many people on the mailing list? Growth rate?

Received on Wed Jul 5 06:26:01 1995

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