Re: A list of questions.

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Tue Jul 04 1995 - 09:20:26 PDT

[Datrix Solutions <> writes:]

>Q How can I kill a process running in the forground (CTRL-C type metaphor)?

We need a TTY monitor. This function was to be part of the terminal
emulator for the MADO windowing system, which appears to have coasted to a
stop. :-(

>Q How are the differences between the nl/cr and nl files handled? When
> I use vi, I get a lot of ^M's. Must I dtou all the files, or is there
> some way to make vi handle these files?

VSTa uses the \n convention. For those library routines which understand
text in units of lines (gets(), for instance), the library routine tries to
handle both conventions.

>Q What is the progress with the Boot disk?

I have some preliminary code for the MultiBoot standard. If somebody wants
to run with it, I'm trying to focus what cycles I have on the /inet server
to provide networking.

>Q The graphics and windowing system?

See MADO, above.

>Q When is the next release planed?

It was planned for when I got networking running. I've been stuck with
management of 7 people for the foreseeable future, which has slowed me down.
I *do* have /inet linking, and am currently grappling with how to provide a
multiplexed interface to multiple remote clients from a server running
against a particular port.

Plan 9 solved this by making you use specific routines (listen()/accept()/
etc.), which I'd like to avoid if at all possible. I might break down and
require a wstat() to switch between clients, although my ideal is to let an
application using only POSIX file handling to server as either a server or
client for a TCP port.

Received on Tue Jul 4 07:14:15 1995

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