Re: A list of questions.

From: Dave Hudson <>
Date: Thu Jul 06 1995 - 00:59:38 PDT


Datrix Solutions wrote:
> Q How do I generate floating point code? At the moment printf("%f",fl)
> produces "f" instead of e.g. 1.322123.
> A The kernel supports fp, but the libs don't yet. Almost there...

I started coding a maths lib up when I started writing the fp stuff for the
kernel, but it's never got much further than that as I've not had the time
in the last few months. There are some patches for 1.4 that I sent to Andy
a couple of months back that should give much better support for printf
including fp. One issue I hit when I did the original fp support was that
the VSTa gcc didn't generate some of the fp code correctly so I had to cross
compile a new version under Linux which then did work - I haven't tried this
under 1.3.3 so this may not be a problem any more.

> Q How are the differences between the nl/cr and nl files handled? When
> I use vi, I get a lot of ^M's. Must I dtou all the files, or is there
> some way to make vi handle these files?

When 1.4's available there'll be a port of GNU find that I did a while back
- at least this makes things less painful, eg:

        find -name "*.c" -print | d2utxt \{\} \;

> Q What is the progress with the Boot disk?

Again I have support for this, but it uses dd to write the raw disk - this
is one of the ports I did.

> Q The graphics and windowing system?

I'm sad to say I've had no time to work on bitblt recently, which is a shame
as I had quite a lot of code done (the low level stuff anyway). I think
Gavin, much as myself, has been pretty busy at work and not had time to make
much progress.

Received on Sun Jul 9 14:13:48 1995

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