Re: VSTa Partitions

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Thu Jun 22 1995 - 08:38:07 PDT

[ (Francis Bogsanyi) writes:]

> 1. runrc has the location of sh hardcoded into it. I fixed this by
>hardcoding the new location into it :-). (I don't know anything about rcs so
>I simply used cat to create a writeable version of the file runrc.c). The
>question is, how many other programs expect specific locations (in
>particular how many expect a leading /vsta) ?

Lots. :-)

> 2. I altered the rc shell script to setup the path as "/bin:/boot:."
>however sh then bombs out complaining about the two colons and the "exit 0"
>at the end of the script.

You might have been bit by inserting DOS-style line termination on the file
when you edited it? When I work from DOS I use the "vim" editor with the
"-b" flag to avoid this.

> 3. Since the script bombs out, the TERM environment variable is not
>set but if I leave it that way, or set it using the same command line as the
>rc script, neither vi nor emacs work. vi responds with a message that nansi
>is not supported and I should try one of the supported modes (which it
>lists), yet trying these modes simply responds with an even quicker version
>of the same message and again it doesn't work. less also comes up with a
>series of messages indicating that it can't scroll backwards, can't clear
>the screen etc. these are all the same messages that I get when I set the
>TERM variable to unknown under Unix.

You might try:

echo -n vt100 > /env/<your-user-id>/TERM

and see what happens. Environment variables come from the /env server, and
this is a simple way to interact with the server directly. You could eve

echo -n vt100 > /env/TERM

and set a system-wide default.

> As a small aside, does anyone know where a partition actually

You can do:

% mount disk/wd /wd
% ls /wd
% stat /wd/wd0_dos0

The "size" and "pextoffs" fields will tell you where VSTa thinks a given
partition lives (and how long it is).

                                                Andy Valencia
Received on Thu Jun 22 06:34:13 1995

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