DOS server debugging continues

From: David Jeske <>
Date: Fri Jun 23 1995 - 16:56:53 PDT

Actually, after looking through fdl.c from libc and the cam code, I don't
understand how "read()" could ever read more than 4096 bytes. Which it
clearly does when the DOS server is started as a boot server from the
boot.lst. (otherwise it wouldn't be able to read ANY FATs over 4096 bytes)

So why is "read()" able to read more than 4096 bytes from the cam server
in one call when the DOS server is a boot server, but is only able to
read 4096 bytes per "read()" when the same DOS server is launched after
boot time?

David (who is happy to be running into such relatively simple problems
       such that I can learn much about VSTa from them)
Received on Sat Jun 24 04:53:16 1995

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