Re: File permission problem?

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Wed Jun 21 1995 - 21:36:15 PDT

[Datrix Solutions <> writes:]

>When editing my own .c files with vi and using gcc to compile them, I get
>a perm error - gcc won't run - some files were compiling until I edited
>them. I ran ls -l and could not see the difference in permissions or anything
>else, between the compile and non-compilable files (I have logged in as
>different users).

When this happens, could you try:

% umount /tmp

and try again?

There's a bug where tmpfs won't allow even the owner to rewrite an existing
file. If you do "gcc -c *.c", gcc (correctly) just keeps using the same
temp files, which we won't let him rewrite.

It's one of those little things I never manage to nail. If you're
interested feel free to hunt it down (in srv/tmpfs/open.c, probably) and
provide a patch.

                                                Andy Valencia
Received on Thu Jun 22 05:37:12 1995

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