Re: /dev/mouse?

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Wed May 31 1995 - 08:54:42 PDT

[ (Harald Backert) writes:]

>However I cannot get /vsta/srv/mach/mouse/test to work, since test
>want's to open /dev/mouse, but when I try 'cd /dev', I only get an
>error message: cd: can't cd to /dev.
>How do I create an /dev/* entry?

You mount the server into that path. Remember, a server advertises a port
number; it is not connected with a particular filesystem path. A client can
then choose to attach a server to a portion of its address space.

For you case, I would do:

$ mount srv/joystick /dev/mouse

>Next question: How do I change the file attributes? chmod does not
>exist. Do I have to compile chmod by myself? Currently I use
>DOS attrib, but that is not the elegant way.

The "stat" command will get the file attributes in field=value format. You
can then use "stat -w field=newvalue". For DOS, you can rewrite the
read-only protection, the modified/created time, and the file type
(switching from symlink to regular file, which actually just toggles the
hidden bit).

>Another question: How do I get a swap partition working? I found no
>informations about this in the docs (but I remember that I saw it
>somewhere, I just cannot find it anymore...)

"swapd -n" will run the swap daemon with no swap partitions. This will just
reclaim pure pages. Until the next release, this page stealing will not
find many pages which could be reclaimed.

"swapd disk/wd:wd0_lxswap0" would start swapping using a Linux swap
partition on the first IDE disk.

Swapping has become more robust, but still plan on doing kernel debugging if
you enable it and use it much.

Received on Wed May 31 06:55:02 1995

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