
From: Harald Backert <c5039_at_nospam.org>
Date: Tue May 30 1995 - 00:12:42 PDT


I successfully installed VSTa 1.3.3 on my laptop (IBM 40LX, 386SX, 387SX,
10 MB RAM, 80 MB HD, PS/2 mouse). Well, it seems to work.
However I cannot get /vsta/srv/mach/mouse/test to work, since test
want's to open /dev/mouse, but when I try 'cd /dev', I only get an
error message: cd: can't cd to /dev.

How do I create an /dev/* entry?

Next question: How do I change the file attributes? chmod does not
exist. Do I have to compile chmod by myself? Currently I use
DOS attrib, but that is not the elegant way.

Another question: How do I get a swap partition working? I found no
informations about this in the docs (but I remember that I saw it
somewhere, I just cannot find it anymore...)

Bye, Harald
Received on Wed May 31 06:15:51 1995

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