FAQ and Docs

From: David Jeske <jeske_at_nospam.org>
Date: Tue Apr 11 1995 - 02:08:26 PDT

I have started to assemble pieces of information from all parts of the
mailing list archives and any scraps I have lying around. I'm putting
them on the home page as I find them and clean them up a little.

I have a alpha version of a FAQ for VSTa. It's version 0.2, has anyone
written anything FAQ-like since then, or added anything to it? I made
"FAQ v0.3 alpha" available on the WWW page.

I am putting the FAQ into "current" shape and adding some more information
to it. After I get it fleshed out a little, I'll post it to comp.os.research
along with the WWW site announcement.

If you have any docs or whatnot, send them my way and I'll put them into
the assimilation pile.

All this information I'm collecting will eventually become part of some
orginized documentation. However, for now I just want to get the jump
on getting the information out there and all in one place. If you are
WWW enabled, then you can see what I've made available so far under:




jeske_at_uiuc.edu   + David Jeske(N9LCA)<A HREF="http://www.cen.uiuc.edu/~jeske/">
NeXTMail accepted + CompEng Student/NeXT Programmer/Call Gtalk at (708)998-0008
    User of Linux/NEXT/DOS/WIN/OS.2/VSTa (all coexisting on one system) </A>
Received on Tue Apr 11 01:19:35 1995

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