VSTa Questions (fwd)

From: David Jeske <jeske_at_nospam.org>
Date: Mon Apr 10 1995 - 22:07:45 PDT

I noticed this request for VSTa info on comp.os.research, I suspect several
of you already read the group when you have time. However, I wanted to
post it here to also request that you bounce any answers you write on to
me as well. I gave him some cursory answers explaing the namespace and
semaphores stuff I know or have read on the mailing list.

Forwarded message:
> >Path: vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!darkstar.UCSC.EDU!osr
> >From: "Scott J. C. MacKillip" <smackill@george.sana.tasc.com>
> >Newsgroups: comp.os.research
> >Subject: Questions about VSTa
> >Date: 10 Apr 1995 14:44:42 GMT
> >Organization: TASC
> >Lines: 18
> >Approved: comp-os-research@ftp.cse.ucsc.edu
> >Message-ID: <3mbg8q$5k4@darkstar.UCSC.EDU>
> >NNTP-Posting-Host: ftp.cse.ucsc.edu
> >Originator: osr@cse.ucsc.edu
> Hi.
> I have a few questions about the VSTa operating system. I was
> hoping someone would be able to help me out.
> How is naming handled by VSTa? Is VSTa a distributed OS?
> How is fault tolerance achieved for VSTa?
> How does VSTa implement synchronization? (For example, are
> semaphores implemented? What about other methods of inter
> process communication?)
> I appreciate any imput to these questions!!
> Thanks!
> Scott MacKillip

jeske_at_uiuc.edu   + David Jeske(N9LCA)<A HREF="http://www.cen.uiuc.edu/~jeske/">
NeXTMail accepted + CompEng Student/NeXT Programmer/Call Gtalk at (708)998-0008
    User of Linux/NEXT/DOS/WIN/OS.2/VSTa (all coexisting on one system) </A>
Received on Mon Apr 10 21:18:58 1995

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