CFP: HICSS-29 minitrack on parallel/dist. OS

From: Steve Chapin <>
Date: Wed Feb 22 1995 - 21:07:16 PST


Enclosed is a CFP for a minitrack that Barney Maccabe and I are
running at the next HICSS. We cordially invite you to submit a paper
or consider being a referee for us. C'mon out and visit Maui!



                     Call For Papers and Referees
       The Parallel and Distributed Operating Systems Minitrack
                                of the
  29th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS-29
                   Maui, Hawaii - January 3-6, 1996
We are seeking manuscripts and referees for our minitrack in Parallel
and Distributed Operating Systems at HICSS-29.  We are especially
interested in papers in the following areas:
      o heterogeneous multiprocessor operating systems:  program
        representation for multiple architectures,
        architecture-independent operating system services,
        and scheduling in heterogeneous distributed systems;
      o low-overhead protocols for high-speed networks:  ATM networks,
        lightweight remote procedure call, and active messages;
      o parallel operating systems in general:  support for
        repartitionable parallel architectures, parallel operating
        system structure, message-passing operating systems, and
        locking mechanisms; 
      o distributed operating systems in general:  microkernel
        organization, distributed deadlock detection, distributed
        mutual exclusion, and transaction support;
      o distributed shared memory:  coherency mechanisms, scalable
        approaches to DSM, and single address space operating systems;
      o cache coherency in multiprocessor systems:  operating system
        support for extensible caching policies, and new cache
        coherence protocols; 
      o and scheduling in multiprocessor systems:  local and global
        scheduling, dynamic and static scheduling, and scheduling for
Those papers selected for presentation will appear in the Conference
Proceedings, published by the IEEE Computer Society.  We are
finalizing arrangements for the best papers from this minitrack to
appear in a special issue of IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology.
Submit your 300-word (one page) abstract to Steve Chapin (see address
below).  Persons interested in refereeing in these areas should
contact the minitrack coordinators directly.  Electronic submission of
PostScript or ASCII abstracts is preferred.  Details on submissions of
full papers will be released at a later date.
        Steve J. Chapin 
        Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
        Kent State University
        Kent, OH 44242
        Arthur B. Maccabe
        Department of Computer Science
        University of New Mexico
        Albuquerque, NM 87131-1386
1995 Deadlines
o  A 300-word abstract by March 15
o  Feedback to author on abstract by April 3
o  Eight copies of the manuscript by June 1
o  Notification of accepted papers by August 31
o  Camera-ready copies of accepted manuscripts are due by October 2
Steve Chapin                                          Barney Maccabe                        
Received on Wed Feb 22 20:34:20 1995

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