Re: vsta and group communication

From: Borja Marcos <>
Date: Fri Feb 10 1995 - 16:03:30 PST

Andrew Valencia writes:
> [ (Borja Marcos) writes:]
> > I'm interested on distributed algorithms and have found
> >(finally) a freely available operating system. I'm considering
> >adding group communication and some synchronization
> >mechanisms to vsta. Has anyone already done it?
> A fellow did a very simple semaphore filesystem. Another did a
> thread/shared address space mutex mechanism.
> >It anyone
> >doing it? I'm thinking about group communication facilities
> >similar to Amoeba's.
> I'm not familiar with this; can you point me to a paper?

        The mechanism used in Amoeba is described in

        I'm interested on fault-tolerant redundant systems,
and this paper describes an excellent protocol.


Borja Marcos               | Preferred:
Alangoeta, 11, 1. izq.     | Others:
48990 - Algorta (Vizcaya)  |  
SPAIN                      | CIS:       100015,3502
Received on Fri Feb 10 15:20:22 1995

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