vsta and group communication

From: Borja Marcos <borjam_at_nospam.org>
Date: Fri Feb 10 1995 - 11:40:58 PST


        I'm interested on distributed algorithms and have found
(finally) a freely available operating system. I'm considering
adding group communication and some synchronization
mechanisms to vsta. Has anyone already done it? It anyone
doing it? I'm thinking about group communication facilities
similar to Amoeba's.



Borja Marcos               | Preferred: borjam@we.lc.ehu.es
Alangoeta, 11, 1. izq.     | Others:    m_d_l_p_b@euskom.spritel.es
48990 - Algorta (Vizcaya)  |            100015.3502@compuserve.com
SPAIN                      | CIS:       100015,3502
Received on Fri Feb 10 10:57:52 1995

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