Re: about VSTa coding (name clash with Posix) and ext2fs

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Tue Nov 22 1994 - 07:48:53 PST

[Basile STARYNKEVITCH <> writes:]

>1. the errno EINTR EIO E* etc stuff is nearly a nightmare. In
><sys/fs.h> errors are strings -this is a good idea. But EINTR is
>defined as a string in <sys/fs.h> and as a Posixly number in

<sys/fs.h> is a VSTa internal file. <errno.h> is POSIX. We expect that you
code for one or the other. <sys/fs.h> is not a proposed extension to POSIX,
it was designed as a replacement for these POSIX functions.

We've looked at making them coexist, but with the exception of the errno
emulation code (which maps VSTa to POSIX and back) we inevitably find that
the code is improved by using only one or the other.

In your case my guess is that your main.c should use <sys/fs.h> and
everything else would use <errno.h>. Your main.c can use the existing errno
mapping facilities (see libc/errno.c) when needed to turn the Linux code's
return values back into VSTa strings.

Received on Tue Nov 22 07:25:36 1994

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