about VSTa coding (name clash with Posix) and ext2fs

From: Basile STARYNKEVITCH <basile_at_nospam.org>
Date: Tue Nov 22 1994 - 05:31:55 PST

Hello all,

At home, i'm trying to port Linux ext2 filesystem to VSTa (by writing
an ext2fs filesystem server). I'm using the e2fsprogs-0.5b and coding
above its libext2. I'm actually developping under linux and cross-compiling
(with gcc2.5.2 and binutils 2.5.2 targeted for VSTa) to VSta.

A: I do have some remarks about VSTa coding:

1. the errno EINTR EIO E* etc stuff is nearly a nightmare. In
<sys/fs.h> errors are strings -this is a good idea. But EINTR is
defined as a string in <sys/fs.h> and as a Posixly number in
<errno.h>. I believe that this is annoying. I suggest that EINTR in
<sys/fs.h> should be ERRINTR (or even VSTA_ERRINTR) and defined as a
string, living EINTR only in libc for Posixy camouflage. Also, for
easier internationalization it should still be an indentifier like
string (ie "ERR:INTERRUPT" instead of "got an interrupt") -i don't
have at work the exact values but you see what i mean -someday we
should be able to give the user an error message in his native
language -eg "Interrompu" in French instead of "Interrupted".

2. Also the S_ISDIR macro (and similars) and S_IFDIR value should in
my humble opinion only appear in <unistd.h> since they are only for

3. ino_t should be typedef-ed in <sys/types.h>.

B. my ext2fs file server.

Also, i might once have my ext2fs in alpha state (i don't promise
anything; i might also give up); currently i did handle correctly
some FS_STAT requests. Is there somebody interrested in alpha testing?
If yes, please email me.

I do lack some tiny documentation about the filesystem protocols. I
figured out some of them. I don't really understand what the FS_FID
request is for. I don't have a really clear picture of what a client
connection to a file server is exactly. Basically, i copied the
dos_main routine of the dos fs and hacked it.

If no one have any documentation about the filesystem protocol, i
might end writing one but i need someone to proofread and correct me.

All VSTa-ling and Linux-ing is done at home only so some names, ids,
etc might be wrong.

Also, i didn't recieve anything of the VSTa mailing list since more
than a week. Is it normal?

Basile STARYNKEVITCH   ----  Commissariat a l Energie Atomique
DRN/DMT/SERMA * C.E. Saclay bat.470 * 91191 GIF/YVETTE CEDEX * France
fax: (33) 1-;    phone: (33) 1-
email: basile@soleil.serma.cea.fr;  homephone: (33) 1-
N.B. Any opinions expressed here are solely mine, and not of my organization.
N.B. Les opinions exprimees ici me sont personnelles et n engagent pas le CEA.
Please cite a small part of my mail in all answers
Veuillez citer une petite partie de mon courrier dans vos reponses
Received on Tue Nov 22 03:08:10 1994

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