Re: per page reference count.

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Mon Nov 21 1994 - 14:44:48 PST

[ (Tim Newsham) writes:]

>Why would the reference count on a stack page by 2?

I seem to recall a bug ages ago in which you could fault twice on an address
and end up with two references even though there was only one atl. This was
fixed in 4/19/94.

>I dont think this error is due to me since this stuff is all
>handled in os/kern/* files which I have not modified. Is this
>a known problem? Has it since been fixed? (I'm using the old
>sources I got in september).

Another possibility is that your fault handling code is not getting read,
write, and copy-on-write exactly right. Not as likely for ZFOD areas like
the stack.

Received on Mon Nov 21 14:21:38 1994

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