Re: more notify problems

From: Gary Shea <>
Date: Thu Nov 10 1994 - 06:59:00 PST writes:
>I'm still having trouble with VSTa crashing when I try to use notify().
>Its not clear to me whether this is a general problem or specific to
>my hardware.
>I find that VSTa crashes about 10% of the time when I boot it,
>simply hanging at the login prompt. It also tends to mysteriously
>hang maybe once an hour, even if I'm not running jobs. What is
>typical behavior for other people?

This is typical for me, also. When I build, the system dies
at (seemingly) random times; when I compile it falls into the
debugger fairly often, but then exiting the debugger brings me
back to a normal state; often the login prompt never shows
after a boot. I guess this is part of the fun of a new system :)

Received on Thu Nov 10 06:38:42 1994

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