Re: more notify problems

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Thu Nov 10 1994 - 07:56:10 PST

[Gary Shea <> writes:]

>This is typical for me, also. When I build, the system dies
>at (seemingly) random times; when I compile it falls into the
>debugger fairly often, but then exiting the debugger brings me
>back to a normal state; often the login prompt never shows
>after a boot. I guess this is part of the fun of a new system :)

Is your machine a laptop?

When it drops into the debugger, could you do a "tf" and forward that along
to me? None of this happens here, so this is the only way I can hunt it

How much RAM does your system have? I already posted a warning about
building the shared libraries--tmpfs uses a LOT of RAM consuming one 8K
block per global C library entry point.

Received on Thu Nov 10 07:35:09 1994

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