Re: more notify problems

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Wed Nov 09 1994 - 20:18:52 PST

[ writes:]

>I find that VSTa crashes about 10% of the time when I boot it,
>simply hanging at the login prompt. It also tends to mysteriously
>hang maybe once an hour, even if I'm not running jobs. What is
>typical behavior for other people?

I've seen this, but only on my wife's laptop with some sort of power
management scheme. The manufacturer won't tell me what it's doing.
What kind of machine is yours?

>I've attached a sample program using notify() below. Without the
>write() call it runs okay. With the write() it often triggers the
> ASSERT_DEBUG(pr->p_port == port, "msg_receive: DISC pr mismatch");
>assertion (line 600) in msg.c, or sometimes the
> ASSERT_DEBUG(port->p_hd, "msg_receive: p_wait/p_hd disagree");
>assertion (line 530) in the same function.

Wow! Looks like you found a new (yet simple) way to stress the messaging
engine. I'll play with this, assuming it causes problems on my own machine.

Received on Wed Nov 9 19:57:55 1994

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